Latin Origin /ˌprōˌdəkˈtivədē
Productivity is the commonly relation between the output volume and the volume of inputs. In other terms, it's measurement of effective and economic utilisation of all resources.
उत्पादकता आमतौर पर आउटपुट वॉल्यूम और इनपुट की मात्रा के बीच संबंध है। अन्य शब्दों में, यह सभी संसाधनों के प्रभावी और आर्थिक उपयोग को मापता है।
Productivity = Production Rate × Efficiency

Productivity in Coal Industry has been linked with Labour Productivity and Measured by an Index called OMS (Output per Man Shift), in Tonnes.

P = Production of coal (in tonnes)
Sg = Specific Gravity of coal
Q = Over Burden removed (in cubic meter)
M = Manshifts
R = Stripping Ratio (in Cubic meter per Tonne)

## Shovel - Dumper combination for achieving High Productivity in Open - Cast Mining ##