CoalDust Explosion
👉Coal dust, when suspended in air, is capable of bursting into explosion & propogate it even in the absence of Firedamp.
Some factors are essential to cause Coal dust Explosion:-👇
coal dust must include sufficient volatile matter.
coal dust must have fineness particles.( Finer the coal dust, greater its inflammability.)
It should be in a dispersible condition in the form of Thick cloud.
It should be so dense that one can't see through it. the quantity amount to 30 to 40 g/m3.
A suitable source of Ignition should be present there.
Such circumstances generally exit after a Firedamp Explosion.👆
Prevention from coal dust explosion:-👇
Reducing the formation of coal dust.
Provision of stone dust barries & water barries.
Wetting of coal dust with water on the roof, side & floor (at least 30% water remain at all times).
Spraying stone dust. but not contain more than 5% of free silica.
🎈 Thank you 🎈
Blogger-Ankit kerketta 🌀
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