•Mixture of Gases:-
Fire Damp:- It is a mixture of methane & other trace amount of other gases.
Black Damp/ Choke Damp:- Mixture of carbon dioxide & excess amount of Nitrogen.
After Damp:- Gaseous product & smoke after a fire or explosion.
Stink Damp:- Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) + Air.
White Damp:- Carbon monoxide (Co)+ Air.
•Permissible limit of gases in U/g mines:-
1)CH4 - <1.25%. in general body of air
<0.75% in mine return air
2)Co2 - 0.5% or 5000PPM
3)Co - 0.005% or 50PPM
4)H2S - 0.001% or 10PPM
5)O2 - 19%
6)So2 - 0.0005% or 5PPM
Note - 1% = 10000PPM
Blogger- Ankit kerketta, Mining Sync:- Thanks for watching,📚📙